
LGBTQ+ Relationship Stories


Boy meets girl…

they fall in love, get married, have kids, and live happily ever after. Does this ever feel like the only relationship story you’ve ever heard? What about the gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, gender-neutral, asexual, pansexual queers? What’s their story?

Queer Meets Queer is a podcast dedicated to queer people telling the stories behind the most important relationships in their lives.

Bio Family can be Chosen Family
Weston Anderson Weston Anderson

Bio Family can be Chosen Family

The phrase “Chosen Family” has popped up a few times on this podcast already. For those of you who aren’t too familiar with this idea, don’t worry, it’s not complicated. Chosen family is the family that you choose. For queer people, chosen family is rooted in the experience of frequently needing to build long-term support networks that aren’t based in biological closeness. This sense of familial closeness in the LGBTQ communities arises from a shared experience of finding an understanding and acceptance in relative strangers that was lacking in our biological families. But sometimes…bio family can be chosen family too.

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Adults Make Friends
Weston Anderson Weston Anderson

Adults Make Friends

Making friends as an adult is notoriously difficult. Work and commitments to romantic partners and family tend to push making new friends down our list of priorities. On top of that, meeting new people is hard. Making a lasting connection is even harder. New relationships, including friendships, take work. You have to log hours together. You have to make getting to know that person a priority. And you have to have something in common that draws you together. Today, we have two stories of friends finding each other in adulthood.

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Queer in the Classroom
Weston Anderson Weston Anderson

Queer in the Classroom

School is a time of searching, of growth. It's a time when a lot of people, young people in particular, are figuring out who they are. Every young person feels alone sometimes, but for queers this feeling is underscored by the undeniable fact that you exist as a minority, often an invisible minority. And yet, and this truly amazing, even closeted queers, even queers who might not yet know that they are queer, have a tendency to find each other. We've got two stories for you today about queers meeting queers in the classroom. These are stories of queers finding each other against all odds and growing up together.

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An HIV Patient, a Doctor & a Friendship
Weston Anderson Weston Anderson

An HIV Patient, a Doctor & a Friendship

Malcom met Dr. Ward in 1994 as an HIV patient with Kaposi Sarcoma, a type of cancer that causes the telltale skin lesions associated with an untreated HIV infection. Their story is a story of perseverance, luck, and friendship, but it is also an oral history of a queer community at the deadliest moment of the United States' HIV epidemic. Together, Malcom and Doug share how the HIV epidemic brought them together as doctor and patient, and how they became lifelong friends.

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Our Stories
Weston Anderson Weston Anderson

Our Stories

In this episode, we meet our hosts (Weston, Nikki, Justin, and Seth) and talk about queerness before diving into three relationship stories. This time, Weston & Seth, Nikki, and Justin each thell their own relationship stories. For all you discourse nerds, or if you want to learn more about queerness, our round table discussion starts at 00:04:08. For those of you who want to jump to the juicy relationship bits, start listening at 00:15:44. We hear about Justin discovering a new friend and a new community, Nikki’s journey to self-acceptance, and the story of how Weston and Seth navigated transforming a hookup into a platonic friendship.

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Trailer: This is Queer Meets Queer
Weston Anderson Weston Anderson

Trailer: This is Queer Meets Queer

This trailer introduces episodes 1-3 of Queer Meets Queer. Our first episode will drop Thursday October 8th. New episodes air every other week on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. Read a full transcript of our trailer below.

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Hi there!


Weston isn’t sure one day to the next if they’ll wake up feeling more like a boy or more like a girl. Each day is a mystery. Weston is a writer who grew up scrambling over boulders in Colorado. They love camping, cartwheels, cooking, and cartoons.


Nikki Burian is a queer, nonbinary slam poet originally from the great state of Iowa. They love goat cheese (probably more than you), their cat Binx, motorcycle rides, and people who aren’t jerks.


Justin is a gay man who spent his adolescence basking in the California sunshine. He is a trained opera singer and has been the front man for several bands. Justin loves spending time with close friends, playing video games on his custom built PC, and real talk.


Seth would estimate that he’s about 80% gay. He grew up in Colorado playing the heaviest instruments in marching band. Seth is a toad boy and your A/V dad. Seth loves grumpy animal pics, making playlists, and improvising high end cocktails. You can find him playing video games or creating original characters for his DND or pathfinder games.


The world needs queer relationship stories.

We are looking for stories about relationships from anyone across the LGBTQQIA+ spectrum. We are curious to hear about any meaningful relationship in your life: romantic, platonic, familial, asexual, polyamorous, monogamous, past, present, long-standing or new.